
一般場地守則 General House Rules

Welcome to the “Red Cross Library”! Please observe and comply with the following house rules:

  1. 本館免費入場供公眾人士參觀及參加本館舉辦的有關活動。
    This Library is admission free and open for public visit and participation in related activities organized by the Library.
  2. 本館開始時間為星期二至五10:00-13:00及14:00-18:00。
    The opening hour of the Library is from Tuesday to Friday 10:00-13:00 and 14:00-18:00.
  3. 本館為保安電視監察及攝錄地帶。
    This Library is under security camera surveillance and recording.
  4. 不得在館內進食、吸煙、奔跑或喧嘩。
    Eating, smoking, running or yelling in the Library is not allowed.
  5. 參觀者/使用者不得進入館內任何不向公眾開放的部分。
    No person shall enter any part of the Library which is not open for the public.
  6. 參觀者/使用者不得擅自處理、擾亂或以其他方式干預任何展品。
    No person shall handle, disturb or otherwise interfere with any exhibit.
  7. 參觀者/使用者不得在館內拋擲物件、粗言穢語或行為不檢。
    Throwing objects, employing foul language and behaving in a disorderly manner in the Library are prohibited.
  8. 未經本館職員許可,參觀者/使用者不得在館內展示橫額、彩旗、宣傳單張或任何形式之廣告。
    No banners, buntings, flyers or publicity materials of any kind shall be displayed in the Library without the permission of Library staff.
  9. 未經本館職員許可,參觀者/使用者不得在館內派發推廣資料、紀念品及贈品。
    No promotional materials, souvenirs and give-away items shall be distributed in the Library without the permission of Library staff.
  10. 參觀者/使用者不得故意妨礙任何正在執行職責的職員,或故意妨礙、騷擾、干擾或煩擾任何其他正在使用本館或其內所提供的設施的人。
    No person shall wilfully obstruct any member of the staff in performing his duty or wilfully obstruct, disturb, interrupt or annoy any other person in using the Library or of any of the facilities provided therein.
  11. 參觀者/使用者不得故意在展覽館內的任何牆壁、門戶、家具、裝置、其他物件或任何展品上塗寫或劃上記號,或將其弄污、銷毀或以任何其他方式損壞。倘因違反本守則而造成本館的家具、裝置、其他物件或任何展品遺失、損毀,或招致本館負擔額外的開支,參觀者/使用者均須作出賠償。參觀者/使用者須繳付的數額相當於展覽館負責人認為足以重新添置或維修該項展品所需的款項。
    No person shall wilfully write upon, mark, soil or otherwise damage in any way whatever or destroy any wall, door, furniture, fitting or other thing in the Library, or any exhibit. Visitors/users shall indemnify the Library against any losses, damages or expenses incurred to the Library arising from a breach of these guidelines. A charge will be made for any Library exhibit lost or damaged, which will be such sum as the Library staff considers necessary to replace the exhibit or set of exhibits which the Library exhibit forms a part.
  12. 除得到人道教育中心許可外,參觀者/使用者不得向本館借取任何展品。
    No person shall borrow any exhibit from the Library except in accordance with a permit granted by the Humanitarian Education Centre.
  13. 本館職員有權要求沒有適當及正確使用本館設施、展品和資料,或滋擾其他參觀者/使用者的人士停止有關活動或離開展館。
    The Library staff reserves the right to ask any person not using the Library facilities, exhibits or materials properly and correctly to stop their activities or leave the Library.
  14. 如當日參觀人數太多,本館將因應展覽館可容納人數,按先到先得方法安排參觀者/使用者入場。
    If there are too many visitors at the Library, we will arrange the admission on a first come, first served basis according to the capacity of the Library.
  15. 請小心保管隨身攜帶之物件,如有任何遺失或損壞,本館概不負責。
    Please do not leave your belongings unattended. The Library is not responsible for the safe custody and/or loss of personal property brought to and/or left in the Library.
  16. 惡劣天氣展覽館開放情況
    Inclement Weather Arrangements
    Yellow and Red rainstorm warning
    Remain open.
    Black rainstorm warning
    If the warning is issued during normal opening hours, the Library will remain open.
    If the warning is issued before the gallery opens, the Library will be closed until the warning is cancelled. If the warning is cancelled less than 2 hours before normal closing hours, the Library will remain closed that day.
    8號以上颱風警告 展覽館將會關閉。倘若 8 號或以上熱帶氣旋警告訊號除下時,距離本館閉館時間不足兩小時,當日將不會開放。
    The Library will close. If the signal is lowered less than 2 hours before the normal closing time, the Library will remain closed that day.
  17. 本館保留權利及絕對酌情權隨時改變、更改、增補、刪除、暫時停載、修訂及更新此場地守則而無須給予任何理由及預先通知。
    This Library reserves the right and is entitled to change, alter, add, delete, suspend, revise and update all information on this “House Rules” at any time at its absolute discretion without giving any reasons and prior notice.